Friday, June 29, 2007

Mario's Collar Collection (As Of June 2007)

Here's Mario's collar collection. I constantly try to expand it. The luxury designs are experimental and I try to work on more during my leisure time. I want to create my own luxury or party "collars" made exclusively for my canine babies (because the ones sold in shops are too expensive). Doggy has her separate collection. :)

Some of the collars here, particularly the conventional ones, were acquired through a particular petshop (as specified).

(the practical ones - he uses these around the house or for walking)

This is a black jeweled collar.
Doggy and Mario have matching collars of the same design and color, and they use it as their pambahay collar. What I like about this design is it's thin and comfortable. It would definitely not cause any bald patches on their skin. It's strong enough and perfect for everyday use by an aspin!

(This is the collar Mario wore while he was still in the shelter, the month before he finally went home with me.)

This is a gorgeous classic DAB PET collar. Mario uses this one for his walks with Doggy around the village. They've got other colors for this design, but I prefer the royal blue one with the gold metal. The dazzling blue stone you see is an add-on I personally attached to make Mario's collar look unique and original.

Mario has a third collar, but he's wearing it as of the moment. It's designed like a leopard's fur (not made out of one), and I think it looks really sassy. Here's the pic!

(the fun part - for special occasions or when playing dress-up)

I call Aquamarine Heart Necklace...something. I was thinking of a banana when I made this. Hey, Animal Planet was on, I couldn't help it. Those monkeys devoured the banana and made it look so yummy. Hahaha. It matches Mario's royal blue collar, that's why I made it this way.

A lacey party collar design called Deep Ocean and it's measured exclusively for Mario. I know, it's blue again. But the multi-colored ribbon was so cute that I wanted to see Mario wear it. So this came up. Hehehe.

If you want to see Doggy's girlash collection, visit her blog. It's still under construction, but once it's updated, you'll see the designs there. :)

Here's a preview:

I went to Tiendesitas a week ago to buy different treats and leashes for the duo. (I drool at the variety of treats they have there.) I saw a lot of amazing collar designs and the...doggy clothes! Ohmigash! (I'll save those for December.) Next time I go there I'm going to canvass for the perfect bed for Doggy (when I've graduated, maybe). I'm thinking of covering the whole floor of her doghouse, but either the bed's too small or too big. I can't find one with the appropriate size, something that would totally cover her doghouse. Maybe I'll find one there. Most dogs I see there were (super cute) toy dogs.

I swear I'll bring Mario and Doggy there when I get my own car.

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